Wander the World to Journey Within

Step into the world of Vagari Woman, where wandering is not just a physical act, but a mindset.

Our journey sometimes takes us to the edges of our comfort zone. In the outer world, we travel to far-flung destinations, seek out epic adventures, and immerse ourselves in unfamiliar cultures.

But, true exploration happens within, when we delve into the heart of our deepest dreams and desires, face down our fears, and push ourselves to grow in ways we never thought possible.

woman holding map
woman holding map
Famous mountain road to Piódão in Portugal
Famous mountain road to Piódão in Portugal

into the unknown

free yourself

Explore the Magic of Nature

"Vagari" is a Latin word that means to roam or wander, and that's essentially what I do here - I explore the depths of both our inner and outer worlds, to uncover the hidden gems and treasures that are waiting to be discovered.

The mission of this blog is to be a source of inspiration and information for fellow dreamers, wanderers, adventurers, and soul seekers. My practical travel tips, original photography, thought-provoking insights, and inspirational stories will help you unlock your full potential, overcome fears, and reach for your wildest dreams.

So grab your backpack, lace up your hiking boots, and let's roam the world together!

a rock formation in the middle of a cliff along the Algarve coast in Portugal
a rock formation in the middle of a cliff along the Algarve coast in Portugal
Praia da Ursa beach with rocks and green mossel
Praia da Ursa beach with rocks and green mossel

About Vagari Woman

Hi, I'm Kim from North Carolina. I combine my love for travel, nature, and personal growth into one epic adventure! I believe that travel is not just about scratching off places on our bucket list, but also about experiencing the world in a more meaningful way.

vagari woman in a hat and sunglasses is holding her hand up to the camera
vagari woman in a hat and sunglasses is holding her hand up to the camera